27 October 2011

Welcome to the blog for Progress to Therapy Conference 2012.

What's special about this conference?

We in the UK are rapidly progressing towards therapies in regenerative medicine with an enviable global reputation. Against this backdrop, SSCN are bringing together experts of international stature to visit the question "What are the challenges and opportunities facing progress to regenerative medicine therapies?". 

What's it going to cover?

The first day of the conference will focus solely on cardiovascular disease and will be run in association with the HealthTech and Medicines KTN and British Heart Foundation.

The next two days will include Keynotes on a variety of topics including Minimally manipulated Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, Cultured Tissue Stem Cells, Cultured Pluripotent Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices as well as Advances in iPS technology.

Mixed through these presentations will be world expert led interactive workshops on topics such as The Regulatory Environment, Imaging, Manufacturing to ATMP Compliance, Bioinformatics, Engaging Healthcare providers and The Business Pitch.

Amazing, how can I register?
Registration will open shortly and a link to the registration page will be available on this blog.